hey lois!

Peter Griffin in Dragon Ball Z! Confirmed!

That's right! Peter Griffn from the telelvisiion sohe, Family guy is indeed in the hit series Draggin Ball Z!!!!

As you see from this totally legit image, this is indeed Goku and Peter Griffin during their fight in the Evil Joe Saga.
This arc of the series is believe to have been aired once and sold like 1-5 copies on dvd. BUT ofc my friends uncles sisters cousins brothers uncles sons fathers mothers friend had a copy and showed it to me! So i am now showinng it to the you!!!
Of course i had to make sure this was rel so i contacted none other than akira ottmsy and this is what he ssiad "This isnt even canon." meainh he most defunety had invlolemen in this !!! trusyT!!!

sources: me.

2004 reliable guy inc